Tahitian Night Taylor, J.C.* 1993
RL 18-7 47 (120) M Purple with yellow signals on all petals, pale
reverse. Louisiana Derby X Margaret Lee
![Tahlequah](2010%20additions/tn's/TAHLEQUAH-tn.jpg) |
Tahlequah Chowning, F. 1978 FC 29 24 (61) L Tan-orange self;
old gold line signal. I. foliosa hybrid with some I. nelsonii in
pedigree |
![Take Time](2010%20additions/tn's/TAKE%20TIME-tn.jpg) |
Take Time Taylor, J.C.* 1997 UL-13-2 34 (86) ML Stands
and style arms light purple; falls dark purple, fine edge and
reverse of lighter purple; signals yellow dagger, surrounded
by cream. Dancing Vogue X First Favourite |
![Tamarillo Tango](photos/2010%20New/tn's/TAMARILLO%20TANGO%20110-tn.jpg) |
Tamarillo Tango (Peter Jackson, R. 2005). Sdlg. LO22-2.
LA, 45" (115 cm), EML. S. pink, marbled burgundy pink, fine cream edge;
style arms green, heavily washed burgundy pink; F. medium burgundy pink,
fine cream edge, green gold signal patch, variable on S.; ruffled.
Iron Man X Surprise Offer. |
Tanako Morgan, R. 1992 L246-R 33 (84) M Red, large
orange-yellow signal on falls and sometimes line signal on
stands. L4-A: (Trail of Tears x Bayou Comas) X Chowning
77-6: (Mockers Song x Ann Chowning) |
Tantra Dunn, M. 1998 239-7 38 (97) EM Stands
light orchid; style arms orchid; falls muted grape. Midnight
Drama X Midnight Drama
![Tarnished Brass](2010%20additions/tn's/TARNISHED%20BRASS-tn.jpg) |
Tarnished Brass Chowning 1961 1958-2 24 L Stands henna,
falls henna with terra-cotta overlay; green line signal. (Mary
S. DeBaillou x Cajun Joyeuse) X Promised Land sib (PLS-1) |
![Tchoupitoulas](photos/2010%20New/tn's/TCHOUPITOULAS-tn.jpg) |
(Patrick O’Connor, R. 2002). Sdlg. 95-8. LA, 36" (91 cm), ML. S.
flat purple lavender, small red violet lance-shaped streaks near base;
style arms purple lavender washed red violet; F. flat purple lavender,
red violet signal area with inconspicuous yellow centerline. Ice
Magic X River Road. |
![Te Aroha](2010%20additions/tn's/TE%20AROHA-tn.jpg) |
Te Aroha Pryor, H.* 1997 56/90-5 35 (89) ML Soft
lemon white with green veining; falls with lime green raised
steeple signal with lime green veining; style arms soft butter
lemon; ruffled. Designer’s Dream X Gladiator’s
![Teacup Chatter](2010%20additions/tn's/TEACUP%20CHATTER-tn.jpg) |
Teacup Chatter Pryor, H.* 1997 51/93-J 40 (102) ML Stands
soft lavender, veined coffee, paler reverse; style arms soft
rose, blushed green, yellow center rib and tips of falls milk
coffee, veined burnt terra cotta, rim lemon, raised yellow
steeple signal; ruffled. Joie de Vivre X Stylish Socialite
Tel Aseer Loveridge, G.* 1974 L30 38 (96) L Stands
beige edged white; falls violet. Davis seedling X Davis
seedling |
Tenach Fabel-Ward, R. 1989 36 (91) E Light pink with
violet style arms. (( Bertha Fabel x Bob Ward ) x ( Haile
Selassie x I. fulva, yellow )) X Bob Ward |
Tequila Anfosso, P.* 1988 P 80 L 12 24 (61) EM Silvery
pearl gray, primrose yellow signal. This I Love x Vow
Teresa Margaret Haymon, D. 1986 4-83-21 39 (100) M Light
yellow, veined green; greenish cream style arms; slight fragrance. Alston
X Charjoy’s Mike
Territorial Rights Morgan, R. 1984 Morgan’s
foliosa 06-10 (15-25) ML Violet blue, white spray pattern, yellow
green line signal. unknown X unknown |
Tete-A-Tete Ghio, J. 1983 LU-78-271A 32 (81) ML Dusty
rose pink, yellow signal. Charlie’s Michele X Bill
![Teven](2010%20additions/tn's/TEVEN-tn.jpg) |
Teven Raabe, R.* 1982 U-80-43 1 33 (84) ML Imperial
purple. Crescent City X R-14-75: (E.C. Everingham x 72-T-4)
![Texas Toast](photos/2010%20New/tn's/TEXAS%20TOAST-tn.jpg) |
Texas Toast (Joseph Mertzwiller,
deceased, by Marie Caillet, R. 2005). Sdlg. DT-87-16.
La, 36-40" (91-102 cm), E. S. opens cream, fades to white;
style arms cream throat, white tips; F. open cream, fades to
white, yellow markings, flaring form; signal yellow spray
type, center reaching end of F.; musky fragrance.
Professor Claude X 79-25, unknown. |
![Thanksgiving Fest](2010%20additions/tn's/THANKSGIVING%20FEST-tn.jpg) |
Thanksgiving Fest Dunn, M. 1998 237-6 38 (97) M Cranberry
self. Rich and Famous X Natural Wonder
Theresa Dolores Patin 1965 BR12-64 32 L Pale orange-yellow
self with brown markings; chartreuse crest; style arms light
olive with brown edges. (R-1-61) : I. nelsonii (yellow)
x Plain-Folks X Marquis de Lafayette |
Thibodeaux Arny 1963 11-62 36 M Yellow ochre self. Louise
Arny X Joyce’s Choice |
This I Love Chowning, F. 1973 FC 20 25-30
(64-76) M Rose-pink, fading to light pink after first day; gold
signal. FC 49-AA: (I. nelsonii x i. foliosa) X FC 1: (W.B.
MacMillan x FC 49-AA)
Thunderclap Betts, T.J.* 1981 511F 49(125) L Dark
purple violet, gold signal edge black; silvery style arms flushed purple. Pegaletta
X Naughty
Ti Tree Raabe, R.* 1982 U-80-34 33 (84) EM White. R-22-78:
(Clara Goula x Clyde Redmond X M-41-77: (Clyde Redmond x seedling) |
Tickfaw O’Connor, P. 1992 83-17 32 (81)
M Lightly ruffled
red with some yellow streaking radiating out from yellow signal; red
style arms. Glad You Came X Ann Chowning |
![Tidal Pool](photos/2010%20New/tn's/TIDAL%20POOL-tn.jpg) |
Tidal Pool
(Heather Pryor, R. 2003). Sdlg. 7/97-E. LA, 48" (122 cm), ML. Pale
lavender violet infused blue, yellow blotch with overlaying orange steeple
signal, F. with additional violet surrounding area; style arms apple
green, violet tips; ruffled. Regal Ricochet X Rachel’s Request. |
Tiger Bengal Betts, T.J.* 1981 613A 29 (74)
ML & RE Stands
pale Bengal rose with lighter edge; pale yellow style arms flushed
rose; falls medium Bengal rose, gold and black tiger-striped signal. Katherine
L. Cornay X Faenelia Hicks
Tiger Butterfly Betts, T.J.* 1985 613C 32 (81) E Stands
silvery violet, slightly folded; brown purple style arms; falls
violet, signal striped black and yellow; lightly ruffled. Katherine
L. Cornay X Faenelia Hicks |
Tiny Bit Tipsy Faggard, A. 1994 FWI-11-92 21 (53) ML Rich
dark red-wine, tiny green yellow pencil line signal hidden
under dark red-wine style arms; slight sweet fragrance. unknown
X unknown |
![Time Keeper Click on picture for a larger view](2010%20additions/tn's/TIME_KEEPER-tn.jpg) |
Time Keeper Taylor, J.C.* 1990 OL108-3 47 (120) L Violet
edged violet blue, yellow signal on stands and falls. Lucile
Holley X Dazzling Star |
Tokyo Rose Durio, K. 1981 DR-2-80 24-30 (61-76) M Stands
red violet; falls full red violet; yellow signal. Carmen
X seedling |
Tom Stone MacMillan 1963 Pi-25-62 27 ML Stands moderate
pink; falls deep yellowish-pink. (Bayou Glory X Acadian)
X unknown |
Tomatoe Bisque Morgan, R. 1984 L64-P 32-36 (81-91) M Red,
yellow line signal. Little Miss Sims X Gold Reserve |
Top Notch Arny, C. 1980 Bit-R-78 42 (107) M Stands
medium red; falls darker red; deep yellow danger-shaped signal. Mrs.
Ira Nelson X Freddie Boy |
Top Start Taylor, J.C.* 1990 OL105-1 47 (120)
M Stands purple; falls purple, darker midrib, yellow signal, ruffled. Cammeray
X L89: (Secret Spell x Helen Naish)
![Totally Dreamy](photos/2010%20New/tn's/TOTALLY%20DREAMY-tn.jpg) |
Dreamy (Bernard Pryor, R. 2004). Sdlg. 37/98-D. LA, 33" (85
cm), EM.S. pastel yellow with pale pink 1/4" blush at petal edges, lime
line signal, cream rims, serrated; style arms very wide, creamy pink; F.
same color as S., very large golden triangular signal overlaid lime
steeple signal, deep pink surround; ruffled, round form. Dark and
Dangerous X Paramount Star. |
![Totally Peach](photos/2010%20New/tn's/TOTALLY%20PEACH-tn.jpg) |
Totally Peach
(Heather Pryor, R. 2002). Sdlg. 84/96-A. LA, 41" (104 cm), EM.
Peach yellow, edges blushed darker peach, orange line signal on all
petals; style arms deep peach, lime base; ruffled; slight fragrance.
Bushfire Moon X Future Classic. |
Totally Wild Taylor, J.C.* 1996 UL-19-6 39 (100) ML Stands
cream, variably marbled purple; style arms cream, blushed purple; falls
purple, yellow signal, ruffled; slight fragrance. Desert Jewel
X Dural Dreamtime |
Town Council Morgan, R. 1982 L42-D 36 (91) M Stands dark
red; falls slightly darker, medium gold signal; lightly ruffled. F.A.C.
McCulla X Miss Arkansas |
Trail of Tears Chowning, R. 1973 1949-L 12 (30) M White self;
large orange signal. I. brevicaulis X I. brevicaulis
Tranquil Spirit Taylor, J.C.* 1986 M19-1 31 (80) M Mallow
pink with mauve influence, yellow signal on falls, bordered
white. C’est Si Bon X Koorawatha
Transit Taylor, J.C.* 1998 UL32-3 39 (100) ML Stands
light yellow veined; style arms light yellow; falls light yellow,
veined, with yellow veined signal. Natural Wonder X Dancing
Treasured Memories Morgan, R. 1988 L42-C 28-30 (71-76)
M Rose red, yellow steeple signal. F.A.C. McCulla X
Miss Arkansas
Treecie Patin 1965 RV-6-64 45 M Stands light red-violet;
falls full to dark red-violet; cream upright style arms with
light lavender veins; orange crest. W-1-61 X Katherine
L. Cornay
Treecie’s J.J. Patin, J. 1974 Y-2-67 32 (81) M Yellow
self, chartreuse base. G.W. Holleyman X RV -6-64
Trend Setter Taylor, J.C.* 1984 JJL 14-2 31 (80) M Stands
pink with light yellow feathering; falls pink, yellow signal. Pam
Truscott X Clara Goula |
Tressie Cook Arny 1962 42 M Pale orange-yellow self;
prominent yellow line crest. Louise Arny X King’s
![Trevor](photos/2010%20New/tn's/TREVOR-tn.jpg) |
(Rusty Ostheimer, R. 2001). Sdlg. Vio-91, LA, 38-42" (97-107 cm), M.
Violet (RHS 83B), F. with large triangular yellow (7A) signal; musky
fragrance. Blue Duke X Mrs. Ira Nelson. Bois d’Arc 2001. |
Tribal Fire Pryor, H.* 1997 292/93-D 40 (102)
M Stands and falls hot sunset red, lemon rim and reverse, raised
lime green steeple signal; style arms lemon, red basil blush; heavily
ruffled. Vocalnic Wildfire X Fashion World
Trionfo Raabe, R.* 1982 U-80-41 49 (125) ML Orchid pink. (Clara
Goula x Crescent City) X Clara Goula |
Triple Treat Welshans, R. 1972 66 20 (50) L Medium
blue-violet; orange signal on white patch. (64 chrom.) Clone
of I. brevicaulis; unknown origin.(Originally registered in
1959 as Hexagona Blue) |
Trittico Raabe, R.* 1983 U-80-66 36 (91) ML Stands
orchid purple; falls orchid purple, ruffled. Crescent City
X R-19-76: (Deneb x Crescent City) |
Tru-Glo Arny, C. 1975 30 (75) ML White self, dark
yellow-orange signal. Gulf Surf X unknown |
Trucking Gary
(T. J. Betts, R. 2000). Sdlg. 012A. LA, 40" (101 cm), M. S.
cream (RHS 158C) washed pale lavender; style arms greyed yellow with
pale lavender infusion, laced crests; F. cream (158A) washed pale
lavender; all petals with green veining concentrated into signal.
492A: (Pat’s Velvet x Walter Dupree III) X Carioca Carnival.
![True Quest](2010%20additions/tn's/TRUE%20QUEST-tn.jpg) |
True Quest Taylor, J.C.* 1997 UL-22-7 35 (89) ML Ruffled
purple, light tan edge and reverse; signals yellow-green; style
arms yellow, edged light tan. Gladiator’s Gift
X Dural Dreamtime |
True Reward Dunn, M. 1994 L169-2 36 (91) M Stands purple
violet, lighter toward center, white style arms; falls purple violet,
lighter at edge, white in heart, signals green-gold. Plantation
Beau X Easter Tide |
Truly Lovely Strawn, K. 1993 CC-1985 35 (89) M Stands dark
violet-purple; yellow style arms; falls dark red-purple, dark yellow-orange
signal. Charles Arny III X Counterpoise
![Truly Scrumptious](photos/2010%20New/tn's/TRULY%20SCRUMPTIOUS-tn.jpg) |
Scrumptious (Heather Pryor, LA, R. 2003). Sdlg. 20/97-A.
LA, 39" (100 cm), ML. White with fine violet veining overall, edges
blushed lilac, white rim and reverse, raised lime line signal on all
petals. S. with additional triangular are of solid violet from signal to
petal edge; style arms white, base blushed apple green; ruffled, rounded
and slightly reflexed. Guessing Game X Website. |
Twilight Mist Neugebauer 1964 61-2 62 M Light violet
self. Her Highness X Gulf Mist
Twilight Tango Pryor, B.* 2000 27/94-A 30(76) M Stands
soft rose pink, veined red; style arms butter y ellow; falls
lemon base blushed terra cotta, intense red all over veining,
lemon rim and reverse, raised orange line signal. 74/91-C
(Desert Jewel x Piece de Resistance) X Mad About You |
Twirling Ballerina Rowlan, H. 1986 84 LA3 35 (89) M Ruffled
pearl pink, cardinal red 6-point star signal. Roll Call X Clyde Redmond |