Saint Bernard
Sallie Jones Keith Faggard, A. 1994 F-LAV-PK-1-86 38 (96) E
Stands light lavender-pink; green-yellow style arms, claws tipped
lavender-pink, falls lavender-pink, large yellow crest. Mistis X
Sam Redburn Granger, M. 1973 QQ66-44 16-20
(41-51) M Stands light rose-red; falls dark rose-red; yellow
signal. Queen O' Queens X King of Clubs |
Samurai Wish Chenoweth, V. 1986 PI-1 36 (91)
M Stands amber with bright red center; falls light red, large
yellow signal. Professor Ike X Mertzweiller C-74-78A |
San Domenico Taylor, J.C.* 1986 L83-BC 39
(100) EM Stands white, veined yellow green; yellow green style
arms; falls white, yellow signal. unknown X unknown |
![Sands of Time](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SANDS%20OF%20TIME-tn.jpg) |
Sands of Time
(Heather Pryor, R. 2003). Sdlg. 4/96-A, LA, 42" (107 cm), M & RE.
Deep cream, petal edges overlaid with fine beige speckling, rebloom with
lemon toning, all petals with lime olive line signal spreading out to
veining; style arms pale cream; ruffled. Sorrento Moon X Lucy
Payens. |
Santa Fe Tile Strawn, K. 1993 39-1984 40 (102)
L Stands grayed red; style arms same; falls darker grayed red,
yellow-orange signal. Sun Fury X Shrimp Louis
Sara E. Bryan Fabel-Ward, R.
1990 35 (89) EM Red brown, large yellow signal. Freddie Boy X
Little Miss Sims |
![Sarah Ann](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SARAH%20ANN%20(SLOAN)-tn.jpg) |
Sarah Ann
(D. L. Shepard, R. 2004). Sdlg. 21044-82R. LA, 36-38" (91-97 cm) M.
S. rich gold, upright; F. rich gold, darker blaze through center, dark
gold line signal, crimped edges. Harland K. Riley X Thibodaux.
Shepard 2004 |
Sarah O'Connor O'Connor, P. 1987 81-25 30
(75) M Rose self. This I Love X unknown |
Satchmo Dunn, M. 1986 L80-80-1 34 (86) M
Bright blue purple, very dark in center of falls. New Offering X
Full Eclipse
Saturn Swirl Pryor, H.* 1995 57/90-4 38 (96) ML Pale
lemon, washed soft rose at end and edges, white rim; darker rose
veining; raised bright lime green line signal on all petals; style
arms bright lime green. Desert Jewel X Noble Planet |
Sauterne Durio, K. 1981 TY-1-79 30-36 (76-91)
M-ML Stands very pale yellow, tinted pale violet with lavender
veining, very pale yellow midrib and edge; falls pale yellow, green
throat under style arms, lightly veined lavender near base, full
yellow line crest, light yellow signal path. Professor Claude X
Professor Ike |
Sawtooth Dunn, M. 2000 245-1 32 (81) EM
Stand light lime yellow; falls lime yellow; petal edges serrated.
Sea Consul X 173-3: (Dominique X Bourbon Street) |
Scamp Arny, C. 1973 N/R 42 (107) ML Stands
red; falls lighter, bright yellow signal. Louise Arny X Bayou
Comus |
Scarlet Lady Mertzweiller, J. 1980 N/R
39.5-47 (100-120) ML Iridescent brick red, yellow line signal.
unknown X unknown |
Scarlett Dunn, M. 1998 220-3 36 (91) M Red
self; signal yellow. (Billy x Billy) X Midnight Drama |
Screen Gem Arny, C. 1982 Pi-I-80 30 (75) M
Deep pink, edged silver, large yellow signal. Charlie's Michele X
Ellene Rockwell seedling |
Sea Consul Taylor, J.C.* 1990 OL140-1 47
(120) EM Lightly ruffled blue, lighter reverse and serrated edge.
M28-2: (Koorawatha sib x Lucile Holley) X Helen Naish
Sea Drift Raabe, R.* 1982 U-80-12 35 (89) EM Stands methyl
violet; falls methyl violet. Emma Hansen X A-9: (Clyde Redmond x
self) |
Sea Knight Morgan, R. 1985 L63-D 20-25
(50-64) EM Very dark blue, orange line signal. New Offering X
Clyde Redmond |
Sea Lord Taylor, J.C.* 1989 M9-D 36 (91) L
Blue, yellow signal. Cammeray X Secret Spell
Sea Pearl Arny, C. 1978 LBL-6-75 24 (61) M Light
gray-blue self; lighter blue style arms; light yellow signal.
Ellene Rockwell X Clyde Redmond |
Sea Wisp Rowlan, H. 1983 80 LA-12 36 (91) M
Wisteria blue, raised yellow line signal edged white. F.A.C.
McCulla X Dixie Deb |
![Secret Decree](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SECRET%20DECREE-tn.jpg) |
Secret Decree
(Heather Pryor, R. 2002). Sdlg. 24/93-B. LA, 45" (114 cm), ML. S.
medium pink marbled and blotched white, yellow line signal; style arms
pastel pink, lemon blush at tip; F. medium pink with cream rim, pastel
pink reverse, golden steeple signal; ruffled. Hot and Spicy X
Dancing Again. Iris Haven 2002. |
![Secret Spell](2010%20additions/tn's/SECRET%20SPELL-125-tn.jpg) |
Secret Spell Arny, C. 1982 N/R
30 (75) M Blue violet, large yellow signal. Clyde Redmond X
Ellen Rockwell
Selena Taylor, J.C.* 1989 N63-3 43 (110) M Pale cream,
greenish line signal. Secret Spell X Koorawatha |
![Seminole Autumn](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SEMINOLE%20AUTUMN-tn.jpg) |
Autumn (Harry Wolford, LA, R. 2004). Plantation Point 2006. |
![Seminole Sunrise](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SEMINOLE%20SUNRISE3-tn.jpg) |
Sunrise (Harry Wolford, LA, R. 2004). Plantation Point 2006. |
Serene Presence Carroll, C.* 1995 91-C-C 41 (104) M Stands
and falls pink, veined light brown, signals yellow, tipped pink.
Opening Presence X Andy Danoy |
Seriously Blue Taylor, J.C.*
2000 UL 8-1 43 (110) M Blue, signals yellow; style arms lemon,
tipped blue. C'est La Mote X First Favourite |
Sextet Raabe, R.* 1982 R-76-12
31 (80) M Stands very light solferino purple; falls slightly
darker. M-32-74: (66-61 x 64-B-1) X M-17-74: (64-B-1 x pink
seedling) |
Sharon Juliette O'Connor, P. 1999 96-9 30-33
(76-81) EM Stands light red, suffused white; style arms cream
yellow; falls medium red, deep yellow spear signal on yellow field
veined red. False River X High Rank |
Shines Brightly Chowning, F. 1981 FC 78-2 24
(61) ML Red orange prominent gold signal; yellow gold style arms.
Spangled Organza X Gold Reserve
![Shizuoka Sunrise](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SHIZUOKA%20SUNRISE%20(2)-tn.jpg) |
Sunrise (Patrick O’Connor, R. 2001). Sdlg. 91-1. LA, 37"
(94 cm), M. S. orange buff base overlaid with deeper red orange veining;
style arms red orange to orange buff; F. red orange, large yellow orange
arrowhead signal with short deep red orange line marking at tip. Ann
Chowning X President Hedley. |
Shrimp Creole Ghio, J. 1974 LY-162-A 40 (102) M Shrimp
rose self; gold signal. Delta King X Tressie Cook
Shrimp Louis Hager, B. 1978 L57 36 (91) M Stands shrimp
pink; falls blend of catsup and mayonnaise; deep yellow signal.
Delta King X Frances Elizabeth |
![Shy Royal](2010%20additions/tn's/SHY%20ROYAL-tn.jpg) |
Shy Royal Taylor, J.C.* 1994 RL 74-1 38 (96) M Stands pale
pink, veining darker pink; falls magenta pink edged pale pink, pale
pink reverse, green line signal surrounded by yellow; ruffled and
fluted. OL142-3: (( C'est Si Bon x Charles Arny III ) x Helen
Naish ) X Margaret Lee |
Sidney Conger MacMillan 1965 Wh cr 16-62 30-40 EML White
tinged cream; tint on stands lighter than falls. 212-60 X 110-60 |
Sidoux LeJeune MacMillan, W. 1970 N/R 30 (75)
M Lavender-pink self with white underlay. unknown X unknown |
![Singer of Songs](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SINGER%20OF%20SONGS-tn.jpg) |
Singer of
Songs (Janet Hutchinson, R. 2001). Sdlg. MS/DW/CARO. LA,
52" (132 cm), EM. S. pale ivory cream, veined and marked ruby wine, yellow
base; style arms ruby wine over yellow, green throat; F. ruby wine, pale
narrow line edge and reverse, yellow spray pattern signal, yellow green
centerline; lightly ruffled; slight fragrance. Marsha Sue X Dural
White Butterfly. Iris Haven 2001. |
Silencio Taylor, J.C.* 1993 RL 68-2 47 (120)
ML Very heavily ruffled violet, lighter rims and reverse, and
yellow signals on all petals. OL 137-4, Margaret Lee sib X
Margaret Lee
Silent Woods Raabe, R.* 1983 U-80-220 38 (96) M Stands
white; falls light barium yellow; ruffled. Clara Goula X Uralba
Mist |
Simple Melody Morgan, R. 1983 L43-A 42 (107)
M Full red, large yellow signal. F.A.C. McCulla X Ann Chowning |
Simple Irresistible Pryor, H.* 1998 50-90-A
45 (115) M Stands cherry red, lemon rim and reverse; style arms
cherry red; falls deeper cherry red, lemon rim and reverse, raised
lime steeple signal; ruffled. Designer's Dream X Gladiator's Gift |
Sinfonietta Raabe, R.* 1986 RM 109-81 33 (84)
EM Mid gentian blue, gold yellow crest. Bethany Douglas X
U80-27: (Clara Goula x Gatewood Princess) |
Sinyaya Ptitsa Fabel-Ward, R.
1985 H(BW)04-80 30 (75) ML Stands dark blue; white style arms;
falls dark blue, mid-yellow signal; ruffled. Dixie Deb X I.
hexagona (Georgia)
![Sit In](2010%20additions/tn's/SIT%20IN%20-%20FINKEL-tn.jpg) |
Sit In Taylor, J.C.* 1998 UL16-4 43 (110) M Light red
purple, midribs darker, lighter edge, falls with yellow signal; style
arms lemon. Dancing Vogue X Noble Planet |
![Ski Seson](2010%20additions/tn's/SKI%20SEASON-tn.jpg) |
Ski Season Jackson, P.* 1999 LWM2 39 (100) EM Lightly
ruffled white, gold spear signals, style arms green, tips white.
Watch Out X Malibu Magic |
Slick Willie Fabel-Ward, R. 1992 32 (81) EM Red-tan with
cream spray overcast. I. fulva (light tan) X Bayou Goula |
Slowpoke Ennenga, J. 1993 14 (36) L Violet-blue, white
signal with yellow and green infusion at midrib; zigzag stems with
flowers at nodes; slight sweet fragrance. Selection of I.
brevicaulis collected near New Hope, AL |
![Smart Card](2010%20additions/tn's/SMART%20CARD-tn.jpg) |
Smart Card Taylor, J.C.* 1998 UL29-4 47 (120) Stands and
style arms purple; falls purple, deeper in center, signal yellow.
Louie X Rachel's Request |
![Smarten Classy](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SMARTEN%20CLASSY-tn.jpg) |
Classy (Bernard Pryor, R. 2002). Sdlg. 47/93-A. LA, 30" (75
cm), M. Ruffled pastel pink, white rim and reverse, long lime yellow
signal on all petals; style arms white, pastel pink midrib. Playful
Minx X Little Treasure. Iris Haven 2002. |
![Smiley](2010%20additions/tn's/SMILEY-tn.jpg) |
Smiley Hutchinson, J.* 1995 MSDWB/HS 43 (110) EM Stands
clear light yellow, deeper at edge, light olive buff center veining;
style arms light yellow, deeper tips; falls light yellow, deeper edge,
narrow deep gold signal; ruffled, edges serrated;slight sweet
fragrance. Marsha Sue X Dural White Butterfly
Smoke and Flame Rowlan, H. 1986 83 LA 26 36 (91) M Stands
lavender; deep green style arms with lavender rib; lavender crest;
falls ruffled grayed lavender violet blend, yellow flame line signal,
full violet mid-line. G.W. Holleyman X Eolian
Smokey Joe Conrad Powell, M. 1993 PIP8805 38 (96) M Stands
lavender; deep green style arms with lavender rib; lavender crest;
falls ruffled grayed lavender violet blend, yellow flame line signal,
full violet mid-line. G. W. Holleyman X Eolian
![Snap Frozen](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SNAP%20FROZEN-tn.jpg) |
Snap Frozen (Peter Jackson, R. 2003). Sdlg.
L007-1, LA, 44" (112 cm), M. Ruffled creamy white, F. with gold line
signal. Extraordinaire X Gate Crasher. Iris Acres 2003/04. |
Snow Cap Neugebauer 1971 (o) Twilight Mist X unknown
Snow Pearl Arny 1963 24 ML White self, yellow line signal.
Louise Arny X (Holleyblue x Buttercup)
Snowy Change Clark, B. 1994 87-5 31 (80) E Stands cream white veined
green with slight blue infusion when fresh; lime green style arms
tipped cream; falls cream white veined green, long lime green signal;
slight spicy fragrance. Professor Paul X Professor Paul |
So Loyal Taylor, J.C.* 1995
RL67-2 35 (89) M Stands white with variable purple veining; style
arms yellow green blushed purple at tips; falls purple, edged lighter
with yellow signal. OL136-1: (M19-1: (C'est Si Bon x Koorawatha
sib) x Helen Naish )) X Margaret Lee |
Soft Hearted Dunn, M.
1999 L247-5 36 (91) ML Medium blue self, white hairline edge,
slight yellow signal; style arms white. (Plantation Beau x Easter
Tide) X Sea Consul |
Soft Laughter
Hutchinson, J.* 1987 37 (93) M Stands warm cream, softening on 2nd
day; cream and green style arms; falls warm cream, faint pinkish gray
influence on edge (fading to pale cream with gray shadowing on 2nd
day), green veining, gold signal; ruffled. Ila Nunn X (Charlie's
Michele x unknown)
Solar Light Arny 1962 36 ML Cream white self; yellow-green
line crest. (Holleyblue x Buttercup) X (Louise Arny x June Cloude) |
Sorbet Dunn, M. 1991 L125-1 34
(86) M Stands lemon cream; ivory style arms; falls lemony cream,
large green area in center, lime green line signal. Fantastic X
Delta Dawn |
Sorrento Moon Pryor, H.*
1997 4/91-B 40 (102) E Stands and falls soft creamy white, veined
beige, lime yellow line signal; style arms soft lime green tipped
beige; heavily ruffled. Koorawatha X Fat Tuesday
![South Sea Pearl](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SOUTH%20SEA%20PEARL-tn.jpg) |
Sea Pearl (Heather Pryor, R. 2001). Sdlg. 87/96-A. LA, 41"
(105 CM), M. White with silvery grey (RHS 202D) overlay, lime green
centerline signal surrounded yellow, F. with white rim and reverse; style
arms silvery white. Deep Sea Quest X Frosted Moonbeam. |
South Yarra Darling Pryor, H.* 1999 20/94-A 43(100) ML Red
brown, pale lemon rim and reverse, raised yellow steeple signal on all
petals; style arms lime green base, yellow midrib, brown tip.
35/92-A: (Volcanic Wildfire x Spanish Ballet) X Hot and Spicy |
Southdowns O'Connor, P. 1992 80-6 38 (97) EM
Light blue-purple with pronounced white underlay, giving pale blue
effect, orange signal; white style arms-arms. Cajun Caper X
unknown |
Southern Drawl Dunn, M. 1986 L81-80-1 30 (75)
M Stands soft lilac pink, falls lilac pink, lighter serrated edge,
yellow signal. King Creole X Ellen Rockwell |
Southern Expression Dunn, M. 2000 231-1 26
(66) ML Stands tomato red; falls yellow base overlaid tomato red,
gold dagger signal. L170-2: (L7-4 (Mary's Charlie x Ann Chowning x
sib ) X Gladiator's Gift |
Southern Lady Dunn, M. 1983 L23-76-2 34 (86)
M Light orchid lavender, lime yellow signal. Monument X
Southern Skies 1971(p) Low, midseason. Deep blue.
Breeding involving I. giganticaerulea |
Southerner Ghio, J. 1981 LU-272C 36 (91) M
Stands ocher gold; falls gold washed rusty red, deepening at edge;
yellow signal. Charlie's Karen X Cajun Caper |
Spangle Organza Chowning 1961 1958-1 18 L
Chrome yellow self; large lance-head signal patch of gold. Promise
Land Sibling X Pomp and Glory
Spanish Ballet Taylor, J.C.* 1991 OL138-1 36
(91) M Ruffled cream, veined greenish yellow. Dazzling Star X
Watch Out |
Spanish Fiesta Strawn, K. 1993 JJJ-1985 41
(104) M Stands grayed orange; style arms same with some yellow;
falls darker grayed orange, yellow-orange signal. Kirk Strawn X
Count Pulaski
Spanish Spirit Strawn, K. 1993 FFF-1985 46 (117) M Stands
grayed orange; style arms same; falls grayed orange, yellow-orange
signal. Kirk Strawn X Count Pulaski |
Spanish Sunrise Rowlan, H. 1990 89-LA-10 30 (75) ML Stands
mars orange; greenish orange style arms and crests; falls burnt
orange, maroon signal edge orange. Missey Reveley X Dixie Deb |
Spanish Sunset Rowlan, H. 1986 83 LA 12 36 (91) M Stands
Spanish orange; self style arms and crests; falls Spanish orange,
yellow steeple signal; ruffled. Mary Dunn X Valencia Vanity |
Spanish Town O'Connor, P. 1987 81-18 36 (91) M Red orange.
unknown X unknown |
![Speclded Hen](2010%20additions/tn's/SPECKLED%20HEN-tn.jpg) |
Speckled Hen Pryor, H.* 1994 31/90-3 31 (80) E Stands soft
peach tan veined slightly darker; yellow-green style arms, bright
yellow crests; falls soft tan base with rose-pink veining and
speckling, fine yellow border, yellow signal veined green; lightly
ruffled. Myra Arny X Lucy Payens |
![Spice Attack](2010%20additions/tn's/SPICE%20ATTACK-tn.jpg) |
Spice Attack Taylor, J.C.* 1998 UL29-5 47 (120) L Stands
and falls purple violet, midrib darker, buff edge and reverse, yellow
signal; style arms buff, brushed purple violet; fluted. Louie X
Rachel's Request |
![Spice World](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SPICE%20WORLD10-tn.jpg) |
Spice World Dunn, M. 1999 L248-8 34 (86) EM Mocha tan
self, gold fan signal; style arms yellow. (( Charlie's Michele x
Rhett ) x (Clara Goula x Southerner)) X Rich Tradition |
![Spirit of Spring](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SPIRIT%20OF%20SPRING-tn.jpg) |
Spirit of
Spring (Heather Pryor, R. 2002). Sdlg. 20/96-A. LA, 38" (97
cm), M. S. lemon, fine lime line signal; style arms golden yellow; F.
medium yellow, lime blotch signal running out as orange line signal to
edge; ruffled, slightly reflexed. Jazz Hot X 009/93; (Louie x
Rachel’s Request). |
![Slitter Splatter](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SPLITTERSPLATTER08-tn.jpg) |
Splatter (D. R. Grieves, R. 2004). LA, 31" (80 cm), M.S. off
white, light veining; style arms cream, veined purple, cream crests; F.
mimosa yellow, veined and random bleeding beetroot purple (HCC 830/3),
gold signal bleeding to purple. Parentage unknown. |
Spring Shadows Granger, M. 1991 88-19D 19-20 (48-51) EM
Stands light chartreuse yellow; falls medium chartreuse yellow, edged
smoky tan, small greenish yellow signal; slight fragrance. unknown
X unknown
![Spring Tapestry](2010%20additions/tn's/SPRING%20TAPESTRY-tn.jpg) |
Spring Tapestry Pryor, H.* 1997 20/92-B 38 (96) EM Lightly ruffled
cream self with fine golden veining, lime green signal surrounded by
golden yellow; style arms lime green, tipped lemon. Koorawatha X
27/90-1: (Rosebery x Old South) |
![Spring Welcome](2010%20additions/tn's/SPRING%20WELCOME-tn.jpg) |
Spring Welcome Pryor, H.* 1996 26/90-2 38 (97) VEE Stands and falls
soft lemon veined mauve, falls with bright green to golden yellow
blush signal between mauve veining; lightly ruffled. Dazzling Star
X Old South |
![Squidlee](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SQUIDLEE-tn.jpg) |
(m.d. Faith, R. 2004). Sdlg. S22A. LA, 42" (107 cm), M.S. purple violet
(RHS 82B) fading to silvery white; style arms and F. purple violet (76C),
lighter toward edges, prominent gold steeple signal; ruffled, open form.
Cajun Belle X Rowlan sdlg. Faith 2004. |
Stage Shy Taylor, J.C.* 1993 RL 42-1A 55 (140) EM Stands light
yellow with magenta midline and flush; falls magenta-pink, rimmed
yellow, yellow signal with light green line. Dawn Planet X OL
113-1: (Koorawatha x Dazzling Star)
Star Power Dunn, M. 1993 L122-3 36 (91) M Ruffled and velvety plum
purple, medium sized spear-shaped gold signal. L78-1: (Bajazzo x
Full Eclipse) X Clara Goula
Starbound Hutchinson, J.* 1995 GLB2 39 (100) ML Stands white, veined
olive buff, center line pinkish mauve; style arms white, washed cream,
mauve to buff; falls deep mauve pink, white linear edge, small signal
yellow green over white; ruffled, petals serrated; slight fragrance.
Glowlight x unknown, probably Buxom |
![Starlet Scarlett](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SSTARLIT%20SCARLET%20(SLOAN)-tn.jpg) |
Starlit Scarlet (D. L. Shepard, R. 2004). Sdlg.
88017-8610. LA, 30" (76 cm), E. S. ;burgundy red, slight gold edge; style
arms burgundy tipped gold, deep red center; F. darker burgundy-red, slight
gold edge, deep gold spear signal. President Hedley X 82U: (Delta
King x unknown). Shepard 2004. |
Starlite Starbrite Granger, M. 1985 CC73-10
24 (61) M White, small greenish yellow signal; slight fragrance.
Involves long line of crosses of unnumbered seedlings of Creol
Can-Can. |
Starry Dusk Betts, T.J.* 1980 512A 41 (104) E
Stands dark purple violet; falls dark violet, silver flecked signal.
Pegaletta X Katherine L. Cornay
Stella Pelissot Taylor, T.J.* 1993 RL 40-1 55 (140) ML
Stands light purple ground with darker purple feathering; falls
purple, yellow signal; ruffled. Heliostat X Margaret Lee
Stop and Go Dunn, M. 1995 L159-11 35 (89) M
Rosy shrimp red, falls with large yellow signal; style arms pale
yellow. Southerner X L96-15: (Charlie's Michele x Rhett) |
Stop the Nation Taylor, J.C.* 1995 RL 25-5 43
(110) ML Stands white; style arms cream, blushed pink; falls
mauve-toned pink heavily veined darker violet pink, white around
yellow to green signals, lighter falls rim. Margaret Lee X Dancing
![Storm Boy](photos/2010%20New/tn's/STORM%20BOY-tn.jpg) |
Storm Boy
(Peter Jackson, LA, R. 2001). Iris Acres 2001/02. |
Strange Romance Campbell, O. 1978 OC1 36 (91)
EM Stands dark red-purple; falls light red-purple; gold signal.
Mrs. Ira Nelson X Ann Chowning |
Strawberry Hill Raabe, R.* 1977 72-T-1 23
(58) EM Stands geranium lake, edged darker; falls blood red.
unknown X unknown
Streaker MacMillan, W. 1975 DP-16-73 42 (107)
M Stands dark violet; dark violet style arms edged white; falls
darks violet, lightly marked red, prominent green triangular crest
edged white. unknown X unknown |
Styletime Rowlan, H. 1990 83-LA-11 32 (81) EM
Stands magenta rose, 3-point red line from throat halfway to edge;
style arms magenta rose; falls magenta rose, yellow lance-head signal
edge green, ruffled. Miss Arkansas X Roll Call
Stylish Lady Strawn, K. 1993 R2-1985 36 (91) M Stands
grayed orange; yellow style arms with hint of grayed orange on end;
falls grayed orange, yellow signal. Valera X Charles Arny III |
Stylish Socialite Pryor, H.* 1994 40/90-9 35 (89) E Stands cerise
mauve, bordered white; style arms cerise mauve, fringed white, yellow
center ribs; falls darker cerise mauve, bordered white, yellow raised
steeple signal; no fragrance. Alluvial Gold X Gladiator's Gift
![Sue Fleming](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SUE%20FLEMING-tn.jpg) |
Sue Fleming
(Dale Ross, R. 2005). LA, 30" (76 cm), M.S. and F. red violet; style
arms light red-violet with cream cast, red violet tips; yellow steeple
signal. Natural hybrid: collected; presumed to be l.
giganticaerulea-l. fulva cross.
Successful Bid Taylor, J.C. 1994 RL 7-3 26 (66) E Ruffled cream,
green line signal surrounded by yellow; lemon green style arms.
Dazzling Star X Margaret Lee
![Sugarplum Treat](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SUGARPLUM%20TREAT-tn.jpg) |
Sugarplum Treat (Heather Pryor, R. 2004). Sdlg. 9/01-A.
LA, 46" (108 cm), EM. S. pure white with cyclamen purple rim, lemon line
signal; style arms creamy pink with cyclamen blush at edges; F. medium
cyclamen purple with darker petal rim, lime steeple signal; ruffled,
triangular form. Renee’ Fleming X Our Dorothy. |
Summer Minstrel Raabe, R.* 1983 U-80-257 44 (112) M Stands light
magenta rose; falls magenta rose; ruffled. E.C. Everinghman X
Summer Symphony Pryor, H.* 1997 41/93-D 35 (89) EM Stands soft
lemon, burnt red blush at edge; style arms apricot lemon; falls yellow
base, terra cotta blush at edge, lemon rim, raised lime green signal
surrounded by yellow; ruffled. 62/90-1: (Frank Chowning x Desert
Jewel) X Heather Pryor |
Sun and Surf Pryor, H.* 2000 63/95-B 40 (102)
M Stands ice blue, olive green line signal; style arms lemon; falls
pastel lemon veined darker, bright orange line signal extending petal
length. Mad About You X 9/93-B: (Sinfonietta x 16/90-1: (Koorawatha
x Alluvial Gold) |
Sun Chaser Arny, C. 1987 BIT-Ror-1-83 36 (91)
ML Brilliant orient red, large bright yellow irregular signal;
short yellowish pink style arms. Charlie's Ginny X Lucile Holley |
Sun Dream Taylor, J.C.* 1986 JIL3-3 33 (84)
EM Yellow with darker yellow signals on stands and falls. Dural
Charm X Clara Goula
Sun Flare Haymon, D. 1989 21-85-1 40 (102) E
Stands yellow gold streaked green, falls deep yellow gold, streaked
green to edge, deep gold line signal; flared and ruffled. (Valera
x Fading Beauty) X Charjoy's Mike |
Sun Fury Arny, C. 1980 G-1-77 30 (75) ML
Light golden yellow, greenish gold signal; greenish style arms.
Martin Redmond X yellow seedling |
Sunburnt Country Hutchinson, J.* 1995 DDSL3
33 (84) EML Stands pale apricot to terra cotta, strong pinkish
brown center line; style arms blended apricot yellow, green center;
falls pink apricot to terra cotta over cream, tips tinged mauve pink,
brown center line, olive veining, small rich yellow signal; slightly
ruffled, slight sweet fragrance. Delta Dawn X Soft Laughter
Sundown Shadows Ghio, J. 1972 LZ-152-A 40
(102) M Stands blue-purple; falls dark blue-purple, slight signal
of yellow. Black Widow X New Offering
![Sunlit Shores](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SUNLIT%20SHORES-tn.jpg) |
Sunlit Shores
(Heather Pryor, R. 2002). Sdlg. 11/96-D. LA, 40" (102 cm), EM. Ruffled
lemon yellow, lime line signal on all petals; style arms medium yellow;
slight fragrance. Lost for Words X Halo Dolly.
Sunny Angel Rowlan, H. 1989 87LA28 35 (89) ML Ruffled and
semi-flaring lemon yellow, green line signal; green style arms, yellow
crests; slight sweet fragrance. 77 LG 1: (Mrs. Ira Nelson x Gypsy
Moon) X FC 42, unknown parentage |
Sunny Episode Rowlan, H. 1983 80 LA-8
37 (93) M Yellow, greenish line signal; green style arms, yellow
crests. Walter Dupree III X Missey Reveley |
Sunny Miss Rowlan, H. 1984 80LA-7 34 (86) ML
Lemon yellow, fading to cream by second day, orange signal, serrated
edge; self style arms and crests. Walter Dupree III X Missey
Sunny Mood Rowlan, H. 1990 86-LA-5 36 (91) ML Ruffled
canary yellow, raised green line signal. yellow seedling X
Winter's Snow
Sunny Reflection Strawn, K. 1996 AA1985 36 (91) M Stands canary
yellow; style arms barium yellow; falls sulfur yellow, signal aureolin,
deeper at center. Sun Fury X Charjoy's Anne
![Sunshine Bridge](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SUNSHINE%20BRIDGE-tn.jpg) |
Bridge (Patrick O’Connor, R. 2001). Sdlg. 94-13. LA, 38-40"
(97-102 cm), EM. S. rose wine, blended cream near signal area, upright;
style arms cream; F. lighter rose wine, yellow thumbprint signal
surrounded by cream area veined rose wine; flared. Charlie’s Michele X
Beausoleil. Bois d’Arc 2000.
![Sure Bet](2010%20additions/tn's/SURE%20BET-tn.jpg)
Sure Bet Dunn, M. 1994 139-3 34 (86) M Velvety red purple, tine lime
yellow line signal; waved, ruffled. Full Eclipse X Gold Reserve
Surprise Caller (Peter Jackson, R. 2006). Sdlg. 3J1.
LA, 43" (110 cm), EM. S. wine red; style arms cream washed wine red, light
edge; F. velvety wine red, very fine light edge, heavy gold line, 3 gold
signals; ruffled. Gate Crasher X Gentleman Caller. |
Surprise Offer Taylor, J.C.* 1991 OL137-7 43 (110) M Ruffled mauve,
lighter mauve rim; sometimes double. Dazzling Star X Helen Naish
![Susan B. Anthony](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SUSAN%20B.%20ANTHONY-tn.jpg) |
Susan B. Anthony (Bernard Pryor, R. 2001). Sdlg.
62/96-BB. LA, 35" (89 cm), EM. S. pastel lilac veined darker, white rim;
style arms cream white; F. red violet, lime yellow steeple signal, white
rim and reverse; ruffled. New Vogue X Our Dorothy.
![Susannah Fullerton](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SUSANNAH%20FULLERTON-tn.jpg) |
Susannah Fullerton (Heather Pryor, LA, R. 2003). Iris
City 2006. |
Suzanne Arceneaux MacMillan 1961 3-60 34 EE Hydrangea pink self.
Mistis X Swamp Angel
Svetlana Allilueve Fabel-Ward, R. 1984 H(BW)07-1978 40 (102) E Blue,
yellow signal. Clyde Redmond X Clyde Redmond
Swamp Fever Herbert, T. 1986 RED-1-83 16 (41) EL Stands red purple;
falls red purple, orange sunburst signal; lightly ruffled. unknown
X unknown |
Swamp Flame Mertzweiller, J. 1985 78-82 34-37
(86-94) M Stands light orange, veined red; blended red yellow style
arms; falls orange red, broad bright yellow signal. Marsha Sue X
orange blend seedling |
Swamp Monster Durio, K. 1992 CAN-PAT#11 36-48
(91-122) ML Stands full violet, edged pale violet, full yellow
signal; pale violet style arms and appendages; falls very dark violet,
full yellow signal; slight spicy fragrance. (Professor Ike x
Professor Claude) X Godzilla
![Swamp Pioneer](2010%20additions/tn's/SWAMP%20PIONEER-tn.jpg) |
Swamp Pioneer Faggard, A. 1994 FPP-3-87 36 (91) E Stands
light peach, yellow midline; yellow style arms; falls light peach with
yellow signal crest radiating over white ground; slight sweet
fragrance. unknown X unknown |
Sweet Accord Warburton, B. 1982 N-LA-GB-1 25 (64) ML Stands purple
violet; falls warm medium violet, inconspicuous yellow signal.
Arny seedling: "Bayou Goula" X Dorothea K. Williamson |
![Sweet Caprice](2010%20additions/tn's/SWEET%20CAPRICE-tn.jpg) |
Sweet Caprice Pryor, B.* 2000 16/92-D 25 (64) M Stands pastel pink,
rose line veining; falls slightly deeper pink, lemon rim and reverse,
bright yellow starburst signal. Spanish Ballet X Playful Minx |
![Swee4t Cosette](2010%20additions/tn's/SWEET%20COSSETTE-tn.jpg) |
Sweet Cosette Taylor, J.C.* 1997 UL-17-3 39 (100) ML Pink-tan,
blending to buff at edge; signals yellow-green, darker pinkish tan
halo; style arms cream and buff. Dancing Vogue X Durral White
Butterfly |
![Sweet Miriam](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SWEET%20MIRIAM-tn.jpg) |
Sweet Miriam Hutchinson, J.* 1998 MA/AD/1 37-45 (94-114) M Stands
pale pink over white, tip darker, pale line edge, salmon brown
midline; style arms cream; falls light old rose pink, darker toward
edge, pale line edge, salmon brown midline, lime green and white
signal; lightly ruffled, slight picotee edge; fragrance. (Myra
Arny x Andy Dandy) X Dural White Butterfly |
![Swirling Waters](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SWIRLING%20WATERS-tn.jpg) |
Swirling Waters (Heather Pryor, R. 2001). Sdlg.
105/96-B. LA, 43" (110 cm), EM. Heavily ruffled deep blue violet. S.
with fine yellow line signal, F. with yellow blotch signal with overlaying
yellow steeple signal; style arms apple green, violet tips. Alicia
Clare X 9/93-B, Nutcote sib.
Swiss Chaletarlie's Ginny X Clara Goula
Switched On Taylor, J.C.* 1996 UL-20-5 39 (100) ML Stands cream,
rose marbeling and central rib; style arms green, blended cream and
rose; falls yellow, sprayed rose edge; green signal surrounded by
yellow; slight fragrance. Desert Jewel X Margaret Lee
![Swords Drawen](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SWORDS%20DRAWN-tn.jpg) |
Swords Drawn (Heather Pryor, R. 2002). Sdlg.
105/96-C. LA, 41" (104 cm), ML. Medium blue violet with cream rim and
lilac reverse, yellow blotch signal overlaid by long golden steeple signal
surrounded red violet; style arms lilac tipped white, midrib lemon;
ruffled, rounded form. Alicia Claire X 9/93-B: (Sinfonietta x 16/90-1:
(Koorawatha x Alluvial Gold)). Iris Haven 2002.
![Sydney Harbor](photos/2010%20New/tn's/SYDNEY%20HARBOUR-tn.jpg) |
Sydney Harbor (Heather Pryor, R. 2003). Sdlg.
93/96-A. La, 48" (122 cm), M. S. cobalt blue; style arms cream, with lime
green base, violet blue tip; F. deep cobalt blue, pale cream rim, white
blotch overlaid with golden steeple signal, very deep cobalt blue
surrounding area; ruffled. 9/91-A: (Spanish Ballet x First
Favourite) X Nutcote.
Sylvandale Raabe, R.* 1978 72-T-6 31 (80) EM Dark amethyst violet
self. unknown X unknown |